On 11 November 2022 the Directors of
Minds + Machines Group Limited approved the compulsory redemption of the Company’s outstanding shares
Letter to Shareholders - Compulsory Redemption of Shares and Liquidation of MMX.
Redemption payments were made by Computershare, the Company’s registrar, through CREST for uncertificated shares and cheques to shareholders for certificated shares.
On 18 November 2022, following the redemption of shares, the Board of Directors approved a plan of liquidation for MMX and appointed Mr. David Bennett of Grant Thornton as sole liquidator (the “
Liquidator”) under Part XII of the BVI Business Companies Act.
On 21 November the BVI Registrar of Corporate Affairs approved the Company’s appointment of the Liquidator. From this time and date, MMX is in Voluntary Liquidation and the Liquidator is responsible for the affairs of the Company and shall take such steps as required under the BVI Business Companies Act to dissolve the Company.
If you have not received payment for your redeemed shares
Shareholders who held shares in certificated form
who have not received their cheque, or require their cheque to be reissued, should contact Computershare to confirm details for dispatch of cheque are correct. Shareholders can contact Computershare by post to Computershare Investor Services (BVI) Limited c/o Computershare Investor Services PLC, The Pavilions, Bridgwater Road, Bristol BS99 6ZY or by email to